Monday, October 6, 2008

Presidential Election

I remember when I was younger my mom said something about voting for Bush or Gore was like having to chose the lesser of two evils. I now know what she was talking about. That's how I feel with the current presidential run off. I am very torn as to which way to go. My step-dad always jokes that I'm a republican...but on my voter registration I marked Reform party at age 18. Personally, now, I don't really feel as though I associate myself with any one party. No one party speaks to my needs, wants, likes, dislikes, etc on some vast level.
Maybe one day I'll be able to make more sense of what is going on. But it's so much to take in it honestly makes me want to throw my arms up and say screw it! lol I'll slowly start reading more and more into the candidates. Hopefully by voting time I'll have a better idea of who I want to represent me! HOPEFULLY!!!!

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