Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Road to Weight Loss #6

I don't have a lot of time...things are super busy here at work. But I'll post a quick update. This past weekend I tried to be as good as possible, considering it was a 4 day holiday weekend for me! lol But I'm happy w/the results. I have slacked the past few days to the gym for the next few I go. :o) I did a killer ab work out on Friday, and while I paid for it for a few days, it felt great.

With out further adieu, let's see where I stand:

Start Weight    197.2
This morning - 189.6
Difference          7.6 (3.85% down from the start)

This kind of number is great to see. Totally motivational, and let's me know I'm getting closer and closer to my goal (which by the way is 170...anything past that is just an added bonus). I've been reading some great stuff online that's giving me some great tips. I've already put a few into practice, and they're really working for me.
OK, back to the grind. Have a great day everyone. :o)

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